
Group: DynoMotion Message: 3109 From: himykabibble Date: 1/13/2012
Subject: My First Week With KFlop....
I've just finished my first week of life with KFlop, and I have to say, it's been, overall, very positive. I still have a number of features to implement, and a handful of things, particularly in KMotionCNC, that I'm not crazy about but I think I can work around the important ones. The thing that pleases me no end is that I had NO significant problems whatsoever, and not once did the machine do something that had me running for the E-Stop switch. Every time I kicked off a G-code program, it just ran, start to finish, doing exactly what it was supposed to do. My last 6 months with Mach3 have been a living nightmare, never knowing what unpredictable thing the machine was going to do from one day to the next, and I never dared leave the machine alone for more than a few minutes. Most of the time. I felt I had to sit there with my finger over the Stop button, because it was just a matter of time before it did something stupid. With KFlop, I'm actually starting to *enjoy* running the machine again!

Based on my experience, two of my friends have just ordered KFlops!

Ray L.
Group: DynoMotion Message: 3133 From: Pablo Untroib Date: 1/16/2012
Subject: Re: My First Week With KFlop....
Re: [DynoMotion] My First Week With KFlop....

Glad to hear that, I assume you don't use mach3, do you? 

Friday, January 13, 2012, 9:30:51 PM, himykabibble wrote:

I've just finished my first week of life with KFlop, and I have to say, it's been, overall, very positive. I still have a number of features to implement, and a handful of things, particularly in KMotionCNC, that I'm not crazy about but I think I can work around the important ones. The thing that pleases me no end is that I had NO significant problems whatsoever, and not once did the machine do something that had me running for the E-Stop switch. Every time I kicked off a G-code program, it just ran, start to finish, doing exactly what it was supposed to do. My last 6 months with Mach3 have been a living nightmare, never knowing what unpredictable thing the machine was going to do from one day to the next, and I never dared leave the machine alone for more than a few minutes. Most of the time. I felt I had to sit there with my finger over the Stop button, because it was just a matter of time before it did something stupid. With KFlop, I'm actually starting to *enjoy* running the machine again!

Based on my experience, two of my friends have just ordered KFlops!

Ray L.

Pablo E. Untroib
Suipacha 834 5to. "A"
(1008) Buenos Aires, Argentina
Tel. (+54-11) 4328-7500 / 7400
Phone USA: (260) UNTROIB
Twitter @PEU_AR

PGP Key ID: : 0xFC7177AF
Group: DynoMotion Message: 3134 From: himykabibble Date: 1/16/2012
Subject: Re: My First Week With KFlop....

I have setup Mach3 for use with KFlop, but for now I'm using KMotionCNC, and will soon switch to my own controller app.

Ray L.

--- In DynoMotion@yahoogroups.com, Pablo Untroib <pablo@...> wrote:
> Glad to hear that, I assume you don't use mach3, do you?
> Friday, January 13, 2012, 9:30:51 PM, himykabibble wrote:
> I've just finished my first week of life with KFlop, and I have to say, it's been, overall, very positive. I still have a number of features to implement, and a handful of things, particularly in KMotionCNC, that I'm not crazy about but I think I can work around the important ones. The thing that pleases me no end is that I had NO significant problems whatsoever, and not once did the machine do something that had me running for the E-Stop switch. Every time I kicked off a G-code program, it just ran, start to finish, doing exactly what it was supposed to do. My last 6 months with Mach3 have been a living nightmare, never knowing what unpredictable thing the machine was going to do from one day to the next, and I never dared leave the machine alone for more than a few minutes. Most of the time. I felt I had to sit there with my finger over the Stop button, because it was just a matter of time before it did something stupid. With KFlop, I'm actually starting to *enjoy* running the machine again!
> Based on my experience, two of my friends have just ordered KFlops!
> Regards,
> Ray L.
> --
> Pablo E. Untroib
> -------
> Suipacha 834 5to. "A"
> (1008) Buenos Aires, Argentina
> Tel. (+54-11) 4328-7500 / 7400
> Phone USA: (260) UNTROIB
> Twitter @PEU_AR
> PGP Key ID: : 0xFC7177AF
Group: DynoMotion Message: 3135 From: Pablo Untroib Date: 1/16/2012
Subject: Re: My First Week With KFlop....
Re: [DynoMotion] Re: My First Week With KFlop....

Thats what I suspected :) AFAIK kmotioncnc only supports Mill/Router gcodes, nothing for lathe yet. Tom?

Monday, January 16, 2012, 12:23:30 PM, himykabibble wrote:


I have setup Mach3 for use with KFlop, but for now I'm using KMotionCNC, and will soon switch to my own controller app.

Ray L.

--- In 
DynoMotion@yahoogroups.com, Pablo Untroib <pablo@...> wrote:

> Glad to hear that, I assume you don't use mach3, do you? 

> Friday, January 13, 2012, 9:30:51 PM, himykabibble wrote:

> I've just finished my first week of life with KFlop, and I have to say, it's been, overall, very positive. I still have a number of features to implement, and a handful of things, particularly in KMotionCNC, that I'm not crazy about but I think I can work around the important ones. The thing that pleases me no end is that I had NO significant problems whatsoever, and not once did the machine do something that had me running for the E-Stop switch. Every time I kicked off a G-code program, it just ran, start to finish, doing exactly what it was supposed to do. My last 6 months with Mach3 have been a living nightmare, never knowing what unpredictable thing the machine was going to do from one day to the next, and I never dared leave the machine alone for more than a few minutes. Most of the time. I felt I had to sit there with my finger over the Stop button, because it was just a matter of time before it did something stupid. With KFlop, I'm actually starting to *enjoy* running the machine again!

> Based on my experience, two of my friends have just ordered KFlops!

> Regards,
> Ray L.

> -- 
> Pablo E. Untroib
> -------
> Suipacha 834 5to. "A"
> (1008) Buenos Aires, Argentina
> Tel. (+54-11) 4328-7500 / 7400
> Phone USA: (260) UNTROIB
> Twitter @PEU_AR

> PGP Key ID: : 0xFC7177AF

Pablo E. Untroib
Suipacha 834 5to. "A"
(1008) Buenos Aires, Argentina
Tel. (+54-11) 4328-7500 / 7400
Phone USA: (260) UNTROIB
Twitter @PEU_AR

PGP Key ID: : 0xFC7177AF
Group: DynoMotion Message: 3139 From: Tom Kerekes Date: 1/16/2012
Subject: Re: My First Week With KFlop....
Hi Pablo,
Well I wouldn't exactly say "nothing" :}
KFLOP already can do coordinated motion synchronized to the Spindle and it all works well commanded from Mach3.  We really just need someone to test it for KMotionCNC.  In each previous case we got everything working in Mach3 to test the hardware and then there was no real incentive to pursue KMotionCNC.  I think the only change required it to have the G31 code issue a different command to KFLOP which is basically "Begin coordinated motion synchronized" rather than "Begin coordinated motion".
I suppose the G76 also needs  to be coded.
Some GUI changes are probably also required.   I don't know if Users are expecting all the Mach3 Turn Threading Wizards and so forth.  Any User feedback would be appreciated.

Group: DynoMotion Message: 3140 From: Pablo Untroib Date: 1/16/2012
Subject: Re: My First Week With KFlop....
Re: [DynoMotion] Re: My First Week With KFlop....

Will provide feedback for sure Tom, Im still not there yet :)

G76 would be certainly needed.

For a complete rundown of common lathe cycles check Bob Warfied great blog: 

Monday, January 16, 2012, 2:17:12 PM, Tom Kerekes wrote:

Some GUI changes are probably also required. I don't know if Users are expecting all the Mach3 Turn Threading Wizards and so forth. Any User feedback would be appreciated.

Pablo E. Untroib
Suipacha 834 5to. "A"
(1008) Buenos Aires, Argentina
Tel. (+54-11) 4328-7500 / 7400
Phone USA: (260) UNTROIB
Twitter @PEU_AR

PGP Key ID: : 0xFC7177AF
Group: DynoMotion Message: 3141 From: Tom Kerekes Date: 1/16/2012
Subject: Re: My First Week With KFlop....
Thanks Pablo, very useful. 

Group: DynoMotion Message: 4075 From: Pablo Untroib Date: 2/24/2012
Subject: Re: My First Week With KFlop....
Re: [DynoMotion] Re: My First Week With KFlop....

Hi Tom, quick question, are the lathe Gcodes in the near future ToDo list?

Monday, January 16, 2012, 4:27:30 PM, Tom Kerekes wrote:

Thanks Pablo, very useful.  

From: Pablo Untroib <pablo@...>
To: Tom Kerekes <DynoMotion@yahoogroups.com> 
Sent: Monday, January 16, 2012 9:55 AM
Subject: Re: [DynoMotion] Re: My First Week With KFlop....

Will provide feedback for sure Tom, Im still not there yet :)

G76 would be certainly needed.

For a complete rundown of common lathe cycles check Bob Warfied great blog: http://www.cnccookbook.com/CCCNCGCodeRefTurn.html

Monday, January 16, 2012, 2:17:12 PM, Tom Kerekes wrote:

Some GUI changes are probably also required. I don't know if Users are expecting all the Mach3 Turn Threading Wizards and so forth. Any User feedback would be appreciated.

Pablo E. Untroib
Suipacha 834 5to. "A"
(1008) Buenos Aires, Argentina
Tel. (+54-11) 4328-7500 / 7400
Phone USA: (260) UNTROIB
Twitter @PEU_AR

PGP Key ID: : 0xFC7177AF

Pablo E. Untroib
Suipacha 834 5to. "A"
(1008) Buenos Aires, Argentina
Tel. (+54-11) 4328-7500 / 7400
Phone USA: (260) UNTROIB
Twitter @PEU_AR

PGP Key ID: : 0xFC7177AF
Group: DynoMotion Message: 4078 From: Tom Kerekes Date: 2/24/2012
Subject: Re: My First Week With KFlop....
Hi Pablo,
Depends on your definition of "near".  :}
When would you be ready for testing?