Re: [DynoMotion] Re: My First Week With KFlop....
Thats what I suspected :) AFAIK kmotioncnc only supports Mill/Router gcodes, nothing for lathe yet. Tom?
Monday, January 16, 2012, 12:23:30 PM, himykabibble wrote:
I have setup Mach3 for use with KFlop, but for now I'm using KMotionCNC, and will soon switch to my own controller app.
Ray L.
--- In, Pablo Untroib <pablo@...> wrote:
> Glad to hear that, I assume you don't use mach3, do you?
> Friday, January 13, 2012, 9:30:51 PM, himykabibble wrote:
> I've just finished my first week of life with KFlop, and I have to say, it's been, overall, very positive. I still have a number of features to implement, and a handful of things, particularly in KMotionCNC, that I'm not crazy about but I think I can work around the important ones. The thing that pleases me no end is that I had NO significant problems whatsoever, and not once did the machine do something that had me running for the E-Stop switch. Every time I kicked off a G-code program, it just ran, start to finish, doing exactly what it was supposed to do. My last 6 months with Mach3 have been a living nightmare, never knowing what unpredictable thing the machine was going to do from one day to the next, and I never dared leave the machine alone for more than a few minutes. Most of the time. I felt I had to sit there with my finger over the Stop button, because it was just a matter of time before it did something stupid. With KFlop, I'm actually starting to *enjoy* running the machine again!
> Based on my experience, two of my friends have just ordered KFlops!
> Regards,
> Ray L.
> --
> Pablo E. Untroib
> -------
> Suipacha 834 5to. "A"
> (1008) Buenos Aires, Argentina
> Tel. (+54-11) 4328-7500 / 7400
> Phone USA: (260) UNTROIB
> Twitter @PEU_AR
> PGP Key ID: : 0xFC7177AF
Pablo E. Untroib
Suipacha 834 5to. "A"
(1008) Buenos Aires, Argentina
Tel. (+54-11) 4328-7500 / 7400
Phone USA: (260) UNTROIB
Twitter @PEU_AR
PGP Key ID: : 0xFC7177AF